Bike Maintenance Tips: How to lubricate and adjust brakes and gears

Cleaning and lubricating your bike on a regular basis help in keeping bike riding smoothly. Here is how!

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How to grow berries in your garden

Have a garden of berries ripe for the picking.
Enjoy blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, at their most nutritious and sweetest. This is possible by growing your own.

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How to plant and take care of Begonias

This is about how to plant and care for begonias, indoors and out.
Begonias are flowering plants prized for their flowers and/or foliage. They are usually easy to grow. Some begonias have tubers (tuberous begonias), some have fibrous roots, and others have rhizomes—that is, those horizontal surface stems which send up flowers and leaves.

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Beards and mustaches: How to give yourself a new image with facial hair

A beard or a mustache may augment or camouflage certain features. As such, it may make a man look gallant or notable. Narrow face, irregular nose, pointed or weak chin, and receding hairline may be masqueraded by a full, neatly trimmed beard and mustache.

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Bartering: How to swap goods and services by barter

Because of internet and social media, bartering as a commercial means has become possible in the contemporary world. The following are some tips in engaging in barter:

Do a list of what you have to offer, such as your skills or talents; surplus goods …

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Bail: How to make bail when you or a loved one is arrested

To avoid spending time in jail when arrested for a relatively minor charge, you may make the bail set by the court.
Bail encompasses your promise to appear for trial, a promise which is backed by an amount you or anyone acting on your behalf agrees to pay if you fail to go back for trial.

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How to Deal with Bad Breath

Bear in mind that mints or other breath fresheners are only temporary solutions.
On the other hand, real mouth and tooth care may solve the bad breath.

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Baby sitter: How to find and use

Hire a baby-sitter your child will like. Ask neighboring mothers of small children for local baby-sitters whom they have found suitable.
For your small baby (and especially if you will be away overnight), hire a skilled adult who can deal with any emergency.

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Antiquing: How to refinish furniture to give it an heirloom look

To do this, apply three coats of finish to a piece of furniture to give it a patina of age.
Try using a semi-gloss, oil-base enamel for the first, or base, coat, in a color that will mask the old finish, such as off-white.

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