Baby sitter: How to find and use

Hire a baby-sitter your child will like. Ask neighboring mothers of small children for local baby-sitters whom they have found suitable.

For your small baby (and especially if you will be away overnight), hire a skilled adult who can deal with any emergency.

Try to find professional full-time sitters through advertisements in the internet, newspapers, or yellow pages. However, you have to carefully ask for at least two references for a certain applicant.

You may also get one from a trustworthy agency. Remember, though, that a baby-sitter from an agency is more costly.

Interview applicants. Inquire about the applicant’s experience and what age group he or she is accustomed to handling. Ask how he or she would deal with emergencies like choking, fire, falls, and poisoning. Hire someone who is able to look after your children in any emergency.

Introduce the applicant to your children. Observe how he/she talks to your children and how they react.

Ask the chosen sitter to come early to see your children’s usual activities. Let the sitter and children become comfortable with one another before leaving them.

Specify what foods and beverages your children may take and whether or not they may use their computers or watch television.

Inform the sitter what time you will be back and how you can easily be reached in cases of emergency.

Consider writing down your instructions. Also write important contact numbers (police, fire department, family doctor, neighbors who can help in an emergency). (Read: How do you love your baby? Read this touching short story)

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