Beards and mustaches: How to give yourself a new image with facial hair

A beard or a mustache may augment or camouflage certain features. As such, it may make a man look gallant or notable. Narrow face, irregular nose, pointed or weak chin, and receding hairline may be masqueraded by a full, neatly trimmed beard and mustache.

On the other hand, a big nose, broad face, protruding chin, and low hairline may be eclipsed by a full mustache without beard.

Growing facial hair is a make or break thing, however, for it may ruin one’s appearance if the style is not correct.

Let the beard or mustache grow, during which, your face would look unkempt. Regularly wash it with facial soap and water, and fully rinse it. Be aware that new hair growth may itch, but you may use an anti-dandruff shampoo if itching endures.

For curly beard, preclude ingrown hairs by turning the curly ends away from your skin using tweezers. If you pull out any ingrown hairs, dab the skin using astringent or alcohol. In around 3 weeks, there may be ample growth to start clipping.

Remember that whiskers require daily care. As they trap dirt and bacteria, a daily shampoo is necessary. Also apply conditioner to make them soft.

Whiskers swiftly get scruffy so trim them at least once a week and with each haircut. Trim them when they are dry, for wet whiskers lie differently.

At mealtime, mustaches and beards may become messy. You may use napkin regularly. Check in a mirror for stray bits of food right after eating. (Read: What Money and Look Can’t Buy)

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