How to plant and take care of Begonias

This is about how to start and care for begonias, indoors and out.

Begonias are flowering plants prized for their flowers and/or foliage. They are usually easy to grow. Some begonias have tubers (tuberous begonias), some have fibrous roots, and others have rhizomes—that is, those horizontal surface stems which send up flowers and leaves.

How to plant begonias

Most begonias grow from stem cuttings, although others, like the rex begonias, can be grown from leaf cutting. Wax begonias can be started from seeds.

On top of fine-sifted potting soil, spread the tiny seeds and mildly press them down. With their bottoms at the surface, Set tubers, hollow side down in loose peat moss.

Start indoors about 2 to 3 months the cuttings and tubers before outdoor planting time. Use plastic wrap punched with a few airholes to cover the trays or pots. Keep them slightly moist, warm, but shaded from direct sunlight.

When 1-inch shoots from tubers or tiny plants from seeds or appear, transfer them to individual pots, turning tubers hollow side up. To divide the tubers, cut them using a knife, by leaving to every section one or more buds. Dip the cut surfaces in a fungicide (e.g. powdered sulfur).

Move those tuberous begonias for outdoors to a cold frame when dangers of frost are gone. When the soil stays warm (about 10 degrees C) overnight, set the plants in a shady spot with loose, well-drained soil, supplemented with peat moss. Do balanced fertilizing (like 5-10-5), and water with a wand, keeping moisture off the leaves.

Some tips in growing begonia

Tuberous begonias are stunning indoors or out, in beds or in pots. On the other hand, trailing tuberous begonias flourish in hanging pots in shaded palces. Rex begonias make outstanding bedding plants for shade.

Wax begonias like brighter light, but not direct sun. Sometimes, they seed themselves, you can pot the seedlings for indoor bloom in fall.

All kinds of begonias, indoors, need room temperature and strong light, but not direct sun (except during winter). Put the pot on gravel in a saucer or tray with water not quite covering the gravel to give humidity. Every few days, check the soil and water when dry.

In order to save them, dig before frost the tubers up. Keep them in a dry place until the foliage has died. Clean and keep them at around 15 degrees C. (Read: How Jose Rizal creatively used flower in courting his first love)

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