Debate Basics: Fundamental Elements of Debate

Debate, basically, is a contest in argumentation. To join in a debate is to formally talk or argue about something, usually at length and in detail, especially as part of a formal exchange of opinions, reasons, and proofs. Debate is essentially tied with correct reasoning as debating is proving that your reasoning and arguments are better than your opponents’.

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Term, Proposition, and Argument: Foundation of Correct Reasoning and Debate

One way to classify propositions is to brand them as either ‘categorical’, ‘hypothetical’, or ‘modal.’ They are the types of statements commonly used in making and delivering debate speeches. Pay attention to their differences for the type of statement that you have to use in expressing something largely depends on the nature of judgment you wish to convey.

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Logical Argument: The Term and Kinds of Proposition

In forming a logical argument, you need to really understand what compose it. Argument comprises propositions, which in turn contain terms.

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