Confucianism vs Taoism: Basic Differences and Similarities

Confucianism is the religion, philosophy, or way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th–5th century BCE. (Who is Confucius? Read: Confucius: The Golden Rule)

Confucianism serves as the social code, the substance of learning, and the source of values of the Chinese, and some people in other countries like Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. (Read: Confucianism: Brief History, Core Teachings, Fundamental beliefs, Practices, and Related Issues)

On the other hand, Taoism (/ˈdaʊɪzəm/), also known as Daoism, is a religious, philosophical, and ritual tradition which began in China and which highlights living in harmony with the ‘Tao’ (also ‘Dao’) (literally ‘Way’).

Also read: Taoism 101: What You Need to Know about this Eastern Tradition

Confucianism vs Taoism: Difference in the Core Teaching

The core teaching of Confucianism is to be a “gentleman.”

This is done by following the moral way consisting of the virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety, and loyalty in order to promote harmony in society.

On the other hand, the core teaching of Taoism is becoming one with ‘Tao.’

It is the chief philosophy of the Taoist that becoming one with the Tao, or the life force of the universe, brings peace and harmony to them.

Also read: Buddhism vs Confucianism

Confucianism vs Taoism on the Concept “Tao”

Tao is also a central idea in Chinese religions other than Taoism, like Confucianism.

In Taoism, nevertheless, Tao stands for the principle that is both the source and the design of development of all that exists.

From Confucianism, Taoism differs by not accentuating rigid rituals and social order.

Stereotypically, a Taoist attitude toward life can be viewed in the jubilant and carefree sides of the Chinese character, an attitude that counterbalances and supplements the rigidly moral and duty-conscious, abstinent, and determined character attributed to Confucianism.

The following is a simple comparison between Confucianism and Taoism:

  Founder  Confucius (551-479 B.C.)    Lao Tzu (604 B.C. – ?)
  Sacred Texts  Confucian Classics  Tao Te Ching, Book of Chuang Tze    
  Doctrines  Mandate of Heaven, T”ien, Human nature as originally good (Mencius) or evil (Hsun Tze), Rectification of Names, The Moral Way consisting of five cardinal virtues, Filial Piety, and Ancestor Worship Heaven    Wu-Wei, Law of Reversion, Following nature
  God  God  Tao as the Origin of all Beings, unnamable and eternal  
    Issues    Gender    Inaction, Superstitious practices, Environmentalism


Answer the following questions.

1. The core teaching of Confucianism is to be a “gentleman” by following the moral way consisting of the virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety, and loyalty in order to promote harmony in society. What, do you think, is the core teaching of Taoism?

2. The Confucian ideal is to become a gentleman or ‘chun-tzu,’ wise like the sages, with strong character like great kings. Is this also the case in Taoism? Why do/don’t you think so?

3. Confucianism has a clear doctrine about filial piety, a virtue of respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors. Does Taoism also teach filial piety?  Why do/don’t you think so?


Read aloud the following scripture:

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao;

The name that can be named is not the eternal name.

The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;

The Named is the mother of all things.

There was something undifferentiated and yet complete,

Which existed before Heaven and Earth.

Soundless and formless it depends on nothing and does not change.

It operates everywhere and is free from danger.

It may be considered the mother of the universe.

I do not know its name; I call it Tao. (“What is the Tao?,” n.d.)

The Taoist scripture ‘Tao Te Ching’ contains these words that are useful in provoking thoughts about the Tao. Indeed, the religion Taoism centers on this concept of the Tao (or Dao).

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Copyright © by Jens Micah De Guzman

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