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The Blind Men and the Elephant: Attaining a Holistic Perspective
The famous parable of the blind men and their first encounter with an elephant explains the difference between a holistic perspective and a partial point of view. The parable has a number of Indian variations, but generally goes as follows:
Knowing Oneself: A Must for Adolescents’ Personal Development
Let us explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others better. Knowing oneself in personal development is a must. So how can …
Filipino Moral Character: Pros and Cons
Filipino cultural morality, especially that which concerns social ethics, centers on ideally having a “smooth interpersonal relationship” (SIR) with others. The definition of “smooth interpersonal relationship” in Philippine culture is principally supported by and anchored on at least six basic Filipino values: the concepts of (1) ‘pakikisama,’ (2) ‘hiya,’ (3) ‘amor propio,’ (4) ‘utang na loob,’ (5) Filipino hospitality, and (6) respect for elders.
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Contemporary Issues
Tattoo and Cultural Relativism
… as time passes by, symbols may also change. For example, tattoos (and long hair in males) once symbolized rebellion (or indicated being an ex-convict), but now, they may signify something else, like of being fashionable.
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