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Is It True That Christianity Resembles Domestic Abuse?
A YouTube video claims that Abrahamic faiths resemble domestic abuse so well because they’re both rooted in power and control through dependency, degradation, and fear. This, it claims, is antithetical to benevolence.
Excision, Female Circumcision, And Clitoridectomy: Are They Moral?
What is deviant in one culture may even be celebrated in another. For instance, in some parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Muslim Africa, women are traditionally circumcised. Known as “excision” or “clitoridectomy,” the process involves cutting off the clitoris and sewing shut the labia, typically without any anesthesia.
The Blind Men and the Elephant: Attaining a Holistic Perspective
The famous parable of the blind men and their first encounter with an elephant explains the difference between a holistic perspective and a partial point of view. The parable has a number of Indian variations, but generally goes as follows:
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Contemporary Issues
Reason and Impartiality on Same-Sex Marriage
To answer the question concerning whether same-sex marriage is good or bad for our society, one needs to apply reason and impartiality—two factors that compose the “minimum conception” of morality or, as some put it, the minimum requirement for morality …
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