Divorce Bill in the Philippines: Are you in favor or not?

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Divorce basically refers to the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other legal or authorized institution.

There are bills that propose the legalization of divorce in the Philippines. The question is: Is divorce reasonable and practicable in the Philippine setting?

A Background: The Filipino Family

The family is the basic unit of any society and it plays a very important role in one’s life, especially in a family-centric culture like the Philippines.

In Filipino society, family life takes a regular pattern from one generation to the next. From childhood, one first looks to his parents for guidance and nourishment. He identifies with them and establishes a special relationship which develops as he grows up and matures.

A person also cultivates strong bonds with his or her siblings (or other members of his or her immediate clan). Once a person reaches legal age and becomes financially stable, he or she can opt for marriage,an institution believed by many religious Filipinos to be sanctioned not only by laws but also by God since the time of the first couple. A person then begins raising a family of his own.

But within this inner circle of family life, some go through different experiences which may serve to destroy their relational ties. Some children become rebellious against their parents and run away from home. Other people sometimes become victims of abuse or mistreatment from their family members or live in a home filled with hatred and violence. At times, parents opt to separate and this causes emotional problems and trauma among affected family members.

A case for divorce

In most religious organizations, marriage is a lifetime commitment and couples should not be divorced or separated. However, the decision to stay in a relationship, even if it is no longer satisfying, for some, is far from being healthy.

Pro-divorce people explain that legalizing divorce in the country is honoring the happy loving years that a couple spent together while recognizing the reality that the matrimony is no longer sound.

For them, a Divorce Law signifies life’s realities that cause failed marriages and makes the misery easier to bear for the couple and their children. (Read also: Divorce in the Philippines: An Essay)

These are the reasons some feminist groups, in their campaigns, also fight for women’s rights, including the right to initiate divorce proceedings—along with the right to citizenship, to vote, to education, to work, to fair wages, to own property, to hold public office, to enter into contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, to have access to reproductive health (including contraceptives), and to have maternity leave … continue reading

Effects of separation or divorce

Check also: DIVORCE BILL: Online Survey and Open Friendly Debate

Let’s discuss

Based on the aforementioned discussions:
Are you in favor of the divorce bill in the Philippines? Justify your personal stand.

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